The SiteraPTT communication platform adds to the smartphones the already proven advantajes of the radio communication world, like the use of the PTT (Push to Talk) to talk and the group calls.
PTT allows having the microphone muted whent you are not talking, uselful when you are in a noisy environment and specially in group calls, this allows to listen to who is talking without the other participants background noise. PTT also removes the necessity of waiting to the establishing of the call from the caller and the necessity of answering from the called one done. The audio is reproduced to the recipients the moment the button is pressed.
The group calls allows to spread the audio between all the parcipants simultaneously,without the need to do a conference call.
To this radio communications benefits joins the ones that the mobile telephony has , such as the wide coverage or the internet access.
Physical PTT terminals:
- Telo T580plus. (robust and light)
- Telo M5. (vehicle usage)
- Ecom Smart-EX 02 DZ1. (for explosive atmosphere usage)
- Samsung Galaxy XCover 4s.
microaltavoces homologados:
-SAVOX RSM35 for Telo T580plus
-Ecom RSM-Ex01 for Ecom Smart-EX 02
- Sitera PTT manual
- Sitera PTT Flyer Download