enero 19, 2025

SITERAplus Gateway Radio to Radio

Benefits and Feautres

The SITERAplus Gateway allows companies to interconnect PMR, DMR or TETRA with fleets whose technologies are not compatible. This allows that in case of renewal of large fleets it is not necessary to discard old terminals when new technology ones are incorporated, allowing to face renovation in a stepped way.


The SITERAplus Gateway allows a wide range of possibilities of interconnection modes linking not only PMR, DMR or TETRA 1:1 in a location, but also its possible to interconenct 1:1 in remote locations to a glboal scale or N:N global or local location interconnection.

  • Local location 1:1 example : One PMR VHF network with a PMR UHF.
  • Remote location 3:3 example : a MOTOTRBO group with a TETRA group and a PMR channel, each one in a different city

The SITERAplus Gateway supports multiple methods of integrated communication: Ethernet, WIFI, 4G-LTE.
This allows communication in different environments and circunstances.


It allows the interconnection of fleets with different locations without the need for radio links and with global coverage.
The network can be extended in number according to the needs of the service.
The Gateway is physically presented in a 19″ 3U-14HP . This allow to reduce the cabinet occupancy when you install numerous channels (6 channels each 3U and 6 terminals each 6U).

Download Flyer here.
