TELPROSUR S.L. is a corporation that was born at 1985 with the intention of centre all of its efforts on satisfy the needs of the customers, making the warranty period our, supporting the client in every moment, fighting for their interests with our brand providers
We have the strong commitment to satisfy our customers above everything else , because we strongly beleive that our bussiness is based on attracting and maintaining our customers
Company Origin.
TELPROSUR S.L is constituted the 8th of November of 1.985 in the face of the demand detected in the zone, in the adquisition of wireless communication systems and their technical support, that until then it was localized out of the region.
From that date onwards, numerous groups and companies have trusted our communications at TELPROSUR, by our experience, quality and rapidity of the services we still provide.
The evolution of the own electronics market has made a necesity of upgrade and boost both the facilities and the tools, and specially, the technical qualification of the personnel that provides the services. However, it is currently when the most important reform in the life of TELPROSUR is taking place. The adaptation of the new communication techniques has lead us to search a higher level in terms of competitiveness and updates of our services.
For this purpose, we have tackle new activity areas, currently being able to offer our services and products that complement and improve our telecommunications specialisation. Nowadays, in addition of the radio contact, our offer covers the need of telephony, video surveillance, access control, IP communications, ICT installations, etc. Also we have created our own telecommunication ingeniering and industrial electronics deparment,that allows to save intermediaries and costs in legal procedures of communication networks .